Closing Comments... Thank you for reading EMC Volume 8! Let us know how we're doing, send e-mail to with suggestions, comments, or what-have-you. Interested in helping us out? See the next section. EMC Volume #9 will be packed full of information. Volume 9 *should* be out by the end of the second week of January. And for a preview of what's being worked on: - Flooding - Definition of flooding, when to flood, how to avoid being flooded, the tools you need, who to and who not to flood, and revenge. Of course this is a *BRIEF* summary of what will be covered. This entire article will probably be distributed as a FAQ all by itself, I look forward to writing this! - MacsBug - General knowledge, what commands do what, etc. Wackadoo will cover this. Well, I can't give away *too* much, so I'll end it right here. If you're not already, please join our mailing list so that you can get the newest issue the day that it is released! Other than that, have a great Holiday break! - Freakman